Our Needs
The National Cheng Kung University’s EB-Care team is committed to the holistic health concept of caring for EB patients and families. On this road of providing health services and care with people at the core, we have the following needs. We invite and welcome your participation:
1. We need medical staff from all over the world, regardless of department to form a medical network to keep rare skin diseases away from medical discrimination and inappropriate treatment. If you are interested, please contact us. You will become a blessing to patients and families everywhere.
2. We need professional social work or psychological counselling partners. Let us work with patients and families to catch many voices in the dark, and unintelligible voices.
3. We need practitioners or academic research partners in expressive art therapy. Through the intervention of diversified arts such as drama, music, and fine arts, we will develop a model of holistic health care for the Taiwanese EBs who are born and lasts a lifetime.
4. We need professionals in biomedical information. Contribute biomedical expertise and share research platforms so that academic research can more effectively promote the advancement of health care. Through healthy competition and cooperation, the true meaning of precise and personalized medicine can be practiced.
5. We need elementary and middle school teachers. Willing to provide some life education courses or lectures for students, we will go to your campus with patients, and work with you to build and sculpt the next generation who are more willing to respect and cherish the value of life.
6. We need the help from welfare committee of the company. When we hold public welfare art exhibitions every year, you can buy tickets to share with colleagues, not only for employee benefits, but also to promote artistic life, and become a dialogue platform for patients and society.
7. We need media workers, art creation groups, text, video and audio creators. Propose to cooperate with various creative output and creative media to enrich society's diverse understanding of disease and health.
8. We need manufacturers of building construction, interior decoration, etc. Welcome to work with us to esteblish a friendly and healthy environment from home space, breathing space, and medical treatment space. One day, EBs can have their own home, can live and die.
9. We need biopharmaceutical or medical material manufacturers. Your outstanding companies may pay attention to this rare skin diseases community whose market share is extremely low, and will not affect your profit. Donate or provide medical materials that are necessary for patients.
10. If you are not listed above, we still need you very much. You can refer other patients you know to come for help, pray for our team sincerely, donate money to support our sustainable development in the future, and share the updated information on your social media.